We were ready to hear all hell break loose. Instead... the new city-laws imposed a stupid decibel limitation set to 95, so the Florida-based band gave their best, but with such a low volume, we all felt that something was missing. The concert ended up being good, but not the slaughterhouse everyone was expecting. The Transilvania has joined the ranks of "clubs that suck for live music" now. Sad, sad day...
This is how Steve Tucker presented himself to the crowd. A dark angel of doom, singing and pounding on his bass. |
Certainly his bass-technique is excellent. He almost plays it as straight up as a contra-bass! |
I liked their lighting set. Made for good pics :-P |
A final closeup on Steve. Judging on the ring on his finger, i'd say he's married. Useful gossip, eh! |
To his left, there stood the magnificent Trey Azagthoth. |
I interviewed him in the afternoon, andhe said that if it was up to him, all his photos would only be live photos, he'd never sit down for a photoshoot in the studio. So, well, I hope Trey will like this livepics! |
The band is also bringing along on tour an extra guitarist, to add on the sound wall. Pity that the Transilvania Club tonight was keeping the volume sooo low... |
Here's the additional guitarist's serious face. |
One more chance for Steve to look like a dark god... |
And one last riff for mr. Azagthoth. It was so hard, to take pics of his face. He spent most of the time headbanging over his guitar! |